Who am I?
Jenny M. Clark
Quest University Canada ’11
Child Health
Web Design
MusicHey everyone! My name’s Jenny and I’m an undergraduate student studying health and nutrition at Quest University Canada in Squamish, BC, Canada. Born and raised in Denver, CO, I have had plenty of ups and downs with food and nutrition. Since coming to Quest and living on my own, I have learned so much about what it means to live a nutritious life and how important it is in maintain health. However, I have realize how little the world knows about what they eat and how it effects them. Therefore, I have created the goal to try and teach people about the foods that they eat and how to make healthier choices. That is the reason I created this site; to help inform people about nutrition and why it is important. So feel free to look around. I hope it helps you find your path onto living a healthy and nutritious lifestyle!
Fun Facts About Me
Favorite Songs
I’m Yours ~ Jason Mraz
Poker Face ~ Lady Gaga
Whoever She Is ~ The Maine
Skyway Avenue ~ We The Kings
*Web Design
Goals in Life
*Join the Peace Corps
*Become a Nutritionist/Paediatrician
*Change the world through health (in some way)
*Find Prince Charming