My results of this study were:
I found that Quest students do not get at least the recommended number of servings for most of the food groups. Both female and male students consume less than the recommended number of servings of fruits & vegetables and grain products. Female students consume less than the recommended number of servings of dairy products on a daily basis. For both sexes, we could not conclude anything about the number of protein servings they consume, nor could we conclude anything about the number of dairy servings male students consume.
I found that many Quest students are not living health lifestyles because of the lack of food servings they get each day. However, from this sample survey, we can not concluded that Quest students are unhealthy because getting the recommended number of food servings is only part of the things that lead to health lifestyle. More studies would have to be conducted to test whether or not quest students are healthy or unhealthy such as testing whether Quest students exercise for the recommended amount of time each day. But from this analysis, I was able to answer my original question. I was able to determine that female students get the recommended number of protein servings and male students get the recommended number of dairy and protein servings, but in every other food group, both sexes get less than the recommended number of servings.
To check out the complete study, I've posted the entire statistical analysis and the data below.
Are Quest Students Healthy? -
Health Survey Results
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